Thursday, September 1, 2016

Indian-American Trump Supporter Tossed Out Of Republican Rally

It is high time to stand against racism and bigotry. Reject  racism and intolerance for any community if we want to survive. Thrown out of a rally on the assumption of being a protester shows the tolerance level of the Republican party. It is also an indication for Indians, blacks, and other non-white races that bigotry and intolerance have no limits. Today, they have come for Muslims and Mexicans, tomorrow it will be someone else turn and this vicious cycle will never stop.
According to Huffington Post Report, after getting thrown out of a Donald Trump rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, a young Trump supporter of Indian descent says he won’t vote for the GOP nominee.
Local college student Jake Anantha, 18, told the Charlotte Observer that a staff member tasked with security said they recognized him as a frequent protester and escorted him out of the convention hall shortly before the rally began.
Rose Hamid, left, and Jake Anantha, right, are escorted from the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, N.C., prior to a rally for Donald Trump on Thursday, Aug. 18, 2016. Picture Courtesy: Huffington Post

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