Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Knorr Kinetic event: An inspirational idea to kill boredom

With rising temperatures and the schools out of session, all that the kids want to do is to sit indoors, play computer games and watch TV. What else is there to do for the kids in Karachi during the hot summers? Picnicking at the beach, skating, riding or swimming? To beat the heat Knorr came up with something new to kill boredom and engage kids in a unique collective activity to nurture their creativity and develop team building skills. 

Knorr in collaboration with Kinetic hosted an inspirational fun event this summer where Karachi school kids were asked to participate in the first ever Paint-the-Billboard get together in Pakistan. 

It was a themed event where 1500 children of ages 5 to 12 and grades PG to Grade 5  from five schools were gathered to paint a Panaflex sheet comprising an area of 1075 square feet. 
To amuse the diligent children Knorr also arranged a puppet show on the site of the event. Free Knorr noodles were distributed to the participants as rewards.
The event proposed by Kinetics aimed at engaging a large group of youngsters of all ages in a healthy outdoor project to flex their muscles at some real life challenges and enhance the new Knorr TVC with a colorful kid’s painting video. 
Nothing stimulates a young one’s creativity more than an outdoor art activity that makes their hands a little dirtier. Such activities may seem messy, but they are a source of enormous fun while nurturing children’s creativity, developing their team building skills, and encouraging them to value physical activity.  
So next time when you want to kill your kid's boredom, consider setting them up with some buckets full of colorful paints and brushes and let them paint to their heart’s content. Sounds messy? It’s loads of fun!
Media Bites Editorial – Tazeen Hasan

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