Monday, July 25, 2016

Nice Attack: Police officer harassed by Interior minister to change her report

Promenade de Anglais where Bastille day Massacre took place
Nice -- New developments in Bastille-day attacks investigations are revealing more inconsistencies in the official narrative like San Bernardino and Orlando shooting. Previously anti-terror police ordered the city administration to destroy the CCTV footage of the attack. Now French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve is found to influence the investigations himself by pressing police officers to falsify  a report on the security presence at the Nice Bastille Day celebrations that turned into a massacre.

A lady police Officer, Sandra Bertin, who was incharge of security cameras reported to French newspaper Journal du Dimanche  that Cazeneuve  harassed her for an hour to change the report regarding the presence of National police.  

Ms Bertin told the French Newspaper that she had been instructed by an interior ministry official to report the presence of national police units on the seaside Promenade des Anglais at the time of the attack. She said she had been told to report the presence of national police units, although she had not seen them. The interior ministry says there were 64 members of the national police on the seafront - as per arrangements with Nice city hall.

It should be noted that last week the city Hall refused a inexplicable demand by French anti-terror police to destroy the CCTV footage of the attack. 

However, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has said he will sue the police Officer for defamation.

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