Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bastille Attack: Some troubling questions

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Bastille Attack: Some troubling questions

By    Follow Me on Twitter     Message Tazeen Hasan     Permalink

After brutal terrorist attacks in Orlando, Istanbul, Baghdad, Dhaka and Medina, recent French and German attacks appear to mark a new set of tragic events in Europe. The heaviest death toll has been observed in France where the Riviera city of Nice was targeted violently on Bastille day. The killer has been identified as a 31-year-old Tunisian-born French citizen, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel. More than 84 people lost their lives when he used his truck to mow down the crowd assembled to watch the fireworks on the coastal promenade. This is the third major terrorist attack in France since January 2015.

Bastille Day Celebration Fireworks at Promenade de Angalias where the truck mowed down the crowd (Creative Common Licence 2.0)

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