Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Cyclone Chapala hits Yemeni Island of Socotra and mainland city of Mukalla

Tazeen Hasan, Contributor Middle East

Cyclone Chapala, one of the strongest hurricane Yemen has seen in decades hit the Island of Socotra and Al-Qaeda controlled city of Mukalla killing three people, making landfall and damaging the seafront, residents  reported,

According to Reuters, cyclone first hit historical Island of Socotra widely known for its natural beauty and rare species of plants.  According to the pictures posted on social media, currents of water washed through the streets of capital Hadibu, 380 kilometers south of mainland Yemen in Arabian Sea. Three people  are reported to be killed with 100's injured. About 1500 families are seeking refuge in the mountainous region.

I the city of Mukalla, AlQaeda in Arabian Peninsula, AQAP's rescue teams  reportedly patrolled and cleared the coast while warning the locals on the  microphone. The storm has reportedly damaged the city’s seafront. People have left their homes and are seeking refuge in Schools and public buildings.

"Omani air force planes have already arrived in Socotra Island. To send aid, do it via , which is doing a great job. "twitted a resident, Abu Had al-Hadrami. 

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