Wednesday, June 28, 2017

This Canadian Woman Demanded That A "White Doctor" Treat Her Son rather than a Paki Doctor

The woman was caught on video repeatedly asking staff for a white doctor to treat her son for chest pain. When other patients in the waiting room told her to go to the hospital, she said she had already been there and gotten a "Paki doctor."
"They only have brown doctors and they did not help my kid," the woman told staff at one point.
"What kind of horrible country do I live in? My kid is sick, so I want to see somebody else that doesn't have brown teeth that speaks English," she said.
The incident was recorded by Hitesh Bhardwaj, who was among the people to confront the woman over her racist tirade.
"It was quite shocking," Bhardwaj told BuzzFeed News, saying the episode left him shaken for the rest of the day.

As the woman grew more and more irate at the lack of white doctors, other people in the waiting room intervened. "Your child clearly has more issues with you being his mother than him needing to see a doctor," said one woman. "You are extremely rude and racist."

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