Cui Bono, meaning 'to whose profit,' is a key forensic question in legal and police investigations: finding out who has a motive for a crime by carefully examining who will benefit the most. Tazeen Hasan examines who is the actual beneficiary from the terror attacks in Germany and elsewhere in Europe?
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has ruled out the reversal of her open-door migrant policy despite a fierce backlash after it emerged that two recent terror attacks and a third killing were carried out by men who had entered the country as refugees. Notably, the Munich killer that claimed 10 lives including himself was influenced by the far right ideology of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik who killed 77 people at a vacation resort in 2011.
The responsibility of axe attack and backpack bomb incident has been accepted by ISIS but no one is killed in these incidents except the alleged attackers themselves. But all of the four attacks are seen as a consequence of Merkel's open-door policy. Merkel's opponents, the political right and Neo-Nazi ultra-nationalists organization like Pegida are using every measure to incite hate and intolerance against asylum seekers. Consequently, violence against refugees has risen to unprecedented heights.
The responsibility of axe attack and backpack bomb incident has been accepted by ISIS but no one is killed in these incidents except the alleged attackers themselves. But all of the four attacks are seen as a consequence of Merkel's open-door policy. Merkel's opponents, the political right and Neo-Nazi ultra-nationalists organization like Pegida are using every measure to incite hate and intolerance against asylum seekers. Consequently, violence against refugees has risen to unprecedented heights.
Anti-refugee parties, be it Pegida, AFD or NDP are openly using Nazi slogans but western electronic media is not highlighting it. Recently Bachmann posted a self-caricature of himself on Facebook depicting himself as Hitler with a caption, "He is back."
Cologne Sex Scandal
Apart from the recent attacks, Cologne rape scandal also fueled hatred and right wing successfully exploited it in March Elections. Is it also a coincidence that all of a sudden, the not as yet settled migrants from Syria and elsewhere got mad and began a spate of violent attacks despite Merkel's welcoming attitude towards them and her guarantees that they would get asylum? Do the Syrian refugees have any particular score to settle in Germany? On the contrary, even a child can understand that they have every reason to bend over backwards to cooperate with the German government and the civil administration. Instead of investigating who is getting the benefit of these attacks, media is repeating Neo-Nazi rhetorics and accusations against refugees ad nauseam.
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Anti-refugee groups are waving funny pictures of Merkel clad in Burqa |
But the greatest winner in this charade of on order terrorism is a group of anti-refugee Neo-Nazi racist organisations whose popularity rockets to unimaginable heights followings any terror attack in the west. These racist parties have reacted violently against the asylum seekers even to the extent of concocting stories of rape attacks by migrants.
Russian Rape Victim who admitted fabricating it
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The German-Russian teenager admitted that rape story was concocted but Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov demanded a full explanation from German authorities |
making up a story about being kidnapped and raped by Arab and North African migrants in a case that triggered a furore in Germany and briefly embroiled Berlin in a spat with the Kremlin.
Are Cologne attacks also fake?
This gives strength to the scepticism that the reports of the Cologne rape scandal were also fabricated and faked by Pegiaa and workers of its clone organisation. It is much more than ludicrous to claim the possibility of about 1000 men belonging to a specific, marginalised community like asylum seekers collectively attacking German ladies in public at the city's busy railway station on a specific evening. According to a BBC reports from local and international newspapers, the situation in a neighbouring German city was completely different according to the police.
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More than 1.7 million Syrian are refugee in Turkey alone. But there is not a single sexual assault allegation. |
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Racist Hooligan attacked police,
injured 49 Police officers, flipped
a police Van and damage
property in 2014.
Charlie Hebdu terror attack became a luckycharm for Pegida
Initially, Pegida's calls for demonstrations never attracted more than a few hundred people. At many instances, it was noted that counter-Pediga demonstrations were attended by more people than Pediga. But things changed after the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris in January 2015, and a record 25000 citizens attended Pediga demonstration in the city of Dresden. It was an ideal time for such a false flag operation that ended European sympathies for Muslim refugees. Needless to say that the main beneficiaries of the Charlie attack were extreme right political parties throughout Europe and Pediga was on top of them.
Initially, Pegida's calls for demonstrations never attracted more than a few hundred people. At many instances, it was noted that counter-Pediga demonstrations were attended by more people than Pediga. But things changed after the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris in January 2015, and a record 25000 citizens attended Pediga demonstration in the city of Dresden. It was an ideal time for such a false flag operation that ended European sympathies for Muslim refugees. Needless to say that the main beneficiaries of the Charlie attack were extreme right political parties throughout Europe and Pediga was on top of them.
- The German newspaper Der Spiegel has published some excellent reports about the dramatic rise and origin of Padiga after Charlie Hebdu attacks emerged on terrorism theater.
Apart from poisonous racist speeches in their demonstrations against refugees, Pediga, its clones and other right wing parties like AFD and NDP are responsible for innumerable hate crimes including arson on refugee shelters, attacks on left-wing counter-demonstrators and group attacks on police. In September 2015, alone there were 1,380 extreme-right motivated crimes registered across Germany.
In Cologne, 400 anti-right-wing activists belonging to a group "Hooligans Against Salafists" (HoGeSa) attacked police, injured 49 Police officers, flipped a police Van and damage property. Ironically, the group belongs to the German soccer league that has some of the highest average stadium attendance in the world. Not surprisingly, the venue of this rampage was also Cologne which was later to become the venue of alleged collective sexual assaults on New Year's eve.Note that this anti-refugee reaction was seen much before the intermittent terror attacks appeared on European landscape.
The mainstream ultranationalist parties are not an exception in this race of violence. In July this year, Right-wing extremists of National Democratic party, NDP attacked during an anti-refuge demonstration and several counter-demonstrators were seriously injured.
"We are witnessing the worst wave of racist and right-wing violence in 20 years," said Ulrich Lilie, president of Diakonie, one of the largest Christian charities in Germany, which operates asylum seeker housing
The anti-refugee attitude of Bavarian Premier
It should be noted that three out of the four attacks that have rattled German society took place in Bavaria. Is it a coincidence that Horst Seehofer, the premier of Bavaria, despite being an ally, is considered to be the fiercest opponent of Merkel and one who had even threatened to file a constitutional complaint against Merkel over her migrant policy. He had also sent a busload of refugees back to Berlin to show his annoyance over the refugee issue. Seehofer's anti-refugee stance is not something new, that emerged after the terrorist attacks. His statement against Arab and Turk migrants had been strongly criticized widely as early as 2010.
It should also be reminded that the Headquarters of German Intelligence BUNDESNACHRICHTENDIENST (BND) are in Pullach near Munich, the capital of Bavaria. Although BND is directly subordinated to the Chancellor but it may be complicit in the heinous crime of organising terrorism theatre with German Neo-Nazi parties as there are strong evidence are available that a Gladio-style operation is in the process in Europe and that sort of operation is not possible without intelligence support.
After all Nazi nationalist whose slogans German right wing openly uses have a history of false flag attacks.
History of false flag by Nazis
In another false flag known as Gleiwitz incident the Nazi regime used polish political prisoners. Prisoners were dressed in Polish military uniforms and they were shot at the German-Polish border. They were shown to announce from the radio station that Poland has attacked Germany. As it happens in any state sponsored false flag German people believed. It was a German 9/11 which provided an excuse to invade Poland.
Imbalance between old and young population is threatening the economic survival
Imbalance between old and young population is threatening the economic survival
In their frenzy against Muslims, Nazi nationalist overlooks the fact that refugees are crucial for the survival of Germany which is having one of the lowest birth rates in the world despite $billion expenditure on family subsidies and old age benefits.The imbalance between old and young population is threatening the economic survival. What most Germans need to understand is that Merkel's humanitarian refugee policy is not a charity. It is backed by extensive research and linked to a pragmatic investment in Germany's socio-economic future.
Merkel and other European leaders should also leave the humanitarian rhetoric and phrases like refugee burden and migrant crisis and tell their people about the horrifying population crisis Europe is going to face. This is true that the mass arrival of refugees is changing the cultural landscape of Europe but it is inevitable and can't be reversed. Europe should learn to celebrate diversity like Canada for its own survival.
Merkel and other European leaders should also leave the humanitarian rhetoric and phrases like refugee burden and migrant crisis and tell their people about the horrifying population crisis Europe is going to face. This is true that the mass arrival of refugees is changing the cultural landscape of Europe but it is inevitable and can't be reversed. Europe should learn to celebrate diversity like Canada for its own survival.
Cui Bono? To whose profit?
In the end, the crucial question is Cui bono? Readers decide themselves who is actually benefiting the most from the recent terror attacks in Germany and elsewhere in Europe?
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