Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Do you smirk when someone question the official stories of Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris or Nice?

Is it democratically appropriate for a head of state to announce geopolitically significant decisions in a ready-to-broadcast speech immediately after a terror attack without police and prosecutorial investigation without consulting the parliament? Isn't it against the democratic principles to take independent  decisions solely on his discretion? Similarly, does media follow standard ethical principles before announcing the name of the terrorist with 100 percent surety and keep displaying his pictures after every terror attack without a fair trial? and without questioning the authenticities of the official account? Is it objective and fair? Initially media outlets refer the police and FBI during the news but within minutes the narrative changes and the suspect (who is already killed in most cases) is referred to as the terrorist or killer without any further investigation. The media across the world follow the corporate media and the top news agencies and repeats the story without questioning?
These and other questions often bother public but I have never seen any journalist in mainstream media questioning the official story. Nonetheless public on social media raises questions about the gaps in the official stories but media as well as the police, blatantly ignores these sort of inquiries.  All further investigation of the media is based on the authenticity of the official story. We have seen that in case of Farook and Tashfeen Malik as well as Orlando suspect Omar Mateen. Isn't it the responsibility of the media to challenge the official narrative?
On top of that, those who raise questions are ridiculed and silenced using a single phrase i.e conspiracy theory. The same issue has been addressed in the book, Conspiracy Theory in America.
"Do you smirk when you hear someone question the official stories of Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris or Nice? Do you feel superior to 2,500 architects and engineers, to firefighters, commercial and military pilots, physicists and chemists, and former high government officials who have raised doubts about 9/11? If so, you reflect the profile of a mind-controlled CIA stooge." writes Paul Craig Roberts in his review of the book.
Craig further throws light on the origin and history of the phrase itself, "The term 'conspiracy theory' was invented and put into public discourse by the CIA in 1964 in order to discredit the many skeptics who challenged the Warren Commission’s conclusion that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a lone gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald, who himself was assassinated while in police custody before he could be questioned."
A murder suspect, a lone Wolf killer killed before he could be questioned. Sounds familiar? It reminds us of not so old stories of Charlie Hebdo, San Bernardino, Paris, and Nice; not to mention 9/11.
Professor Lance deHaven-Smith, in his peer-reviewed book, Conspiracy Theory in America  considers CIA and media joint campaign to ridicule and discredit those who question Kennedy murder official story as conspiracy-theorists, 'one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time.'
According to Craig the book tells the story of how the CIA succeeded in creating in the stigmatization of those who challenge government explanations. He notes that in such events as Kennedy’s assassination and 9/11 official police and prosecutorial investigations are never employed. The event is handed off to a political commission. 'The CIA’s success in controlling public perceptions has made it impossible to investigate elite political crimes, says Smith.
We have seen that intelligence agencies, police, and media control the story from the beginning by having the official explanation ready the moment a terror attack is carried out. Smith points out that "this makes any other explanation a “conspiracy theory.”
Craig claims that Professor deHaven-Smith is able to write this book because he obtained the original CIA Dispatch #1035-960 --labeled Destroy when no longer needed-- through a Freedom of Information Act request , revealing the CIA plot, was obtained . The CIA document is reproduced in the book.
Craig considers the book extremely important, affordable readable book, "one of those rare books with the power to break you out of The Matrix."

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