Friday, July 29, 2016

Have you ever read the constitution? a Pakistani-American father of a soldier killed in Iraq asks Trump

Intimidated by  Islamophobic and xenophobic rhetoric of Republican Candidate Donald Trump, majority of US Muslims are now supporting Democratic party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Their leaders are calling the ballot a powerful means to challenge the growing problem of Islamophobia. A large number of Muslim organisations and leaders attended the Democratic convention at Philadelphia. Speaking to the democratic convention, the
Speaking to the democratic convention, the Pakistani-American father of a soldier killed in Iraq posed a question to Donald Trump: Have you read the constitution? He pulled a paperback copy of the constitution from his pocket and offered to lend it to Trump to get the meaning of  "liberty" and "equal protection of the law."  .
Standing close to his wife, he got emotional, "Have you ever been to Arlington cemetery? Go look at the graves of brave Americans who died defending the United States of America. You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing,” he blasted at Trump.
"Don't take this election lightly" he advised the US citizens in general and Muslims in particular. "Vote for the healer, not the divider"

Read the full report at Toronto Star

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