Saturday, July 30, 2016

Compared to Trump, Clinton is an angel

Tazeen Hasan
Trump and Clinton licking the boots of an Israeli soldier to curry favor with American Jews and pro-Israel campaign contributors. (Picture Courtesy: Huffington Post)

Hillary Clinton obviously appears to exploit anti-Trump fears of the US Muslims as she invites Khizr Khan, the grieving father of Captain Humayoun Khan, the American Muslim soldier killed in Iraq to speak at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia. Khan's emotional speech gave a voice to the Muslim American hurt by the Islamophobic rhetoric of the Trump. No doubt, the couple's presence in the convention was an undeniable proof of American Muslims patriotism to the United States.  

Not surprisingly, the Washington Post has declared Khan to be the winner of the DNC convention. Commentators have rated Khizr's speech higher than that of Clinton herself.  
Watch Khizr Khan Full Speech at Democratic Convention
The US Muslims are not unaware of the anti-Muslim political history of Clinton but do they have any other option available than accepting the lesser evil?

She has played a pivotal role in shaping American policies over the war on terror. Following the September 11 attacks, as asenatorr representing New York, she voted to approve the war in Afghanistan. And though she later regretted, she also voted for the Iraq Resolution, in favor of a preemptive attack. As the Secretary of State, she advocated the US military intervention in Libya.
She is directly responsible not only for killing millions of Muslims but  also harboring extremism which gave birth to the death cults like ISIS in the Middle East.  Yet in the backdrop of Donald Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric, the Muslims have no option. 

Though Trump and Hillary are way different from each other, their interests converge on one point: to please the filthy rich Jewish lobbyists who finance their presidential campaigns. Both candidates claim to be the staunch supporters of Israel as illustrated by the Brazilian political cartoonist Carlos Letuff's recent cartoon. 
Hillary has made history again and again. In 2000, she was elected as the first female senator from New York. Running for the president in 2008, she won far more delegates than any previous female candidate but lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama. 
But make no mistake, despite being apparently tolerant to Muslims, she may also prove to be a total disaster for the world peace very much like her male counterparts. As the Israeli peace activist and formal cabinet member Uri Avnery puts it, "Golda Meir taught me that a woman can be as catastrophic as a man." Yet he acknowledges generously that Clinton is predictable, unlike Trump who has no program and no policy statements.

While the German Iron lady is facing a tough time defending her refugee policy in Europe and Trump is proposing a ban on Muslims, it seems that the whole world is driven by a clash of civilization. Let's see what election results hold for Hillary who appears to be supportive of the US Muslims in her campaign. And finally, what ballot results holds for US Muslims who deem her a lesser evil as Avnery puts it, "compared to Donald Trump, she is an angel."    

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